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Thursday, November 02, 2006

My Friend the Upgrade King at it again

He changed his videocard again. My friend love to try and keep up with the changes in the pc world.He bought a 7600GS w/512MB of ram on the card. I can not be mad at him, I can see the improvement in the games he plays. Now if we can just get him off of that darn Microsoft Windows Pro 64-bit!!!!

It is Sold again

I have a buyer for my server again. Hopefully this deal will go thru. Only time will tell.

Thursday, October 26, 2006


Wow that was a big shocker. AMD has aquired ATI for 5.4 billion. So I wonder if amd cpu will start to run only on ati chipsets. I would hope AMd would not make that mistake. I like the varieties of different chipset available and would not want to see that change. Especially since NVIDIA make SLI which is the best for dual GPU's.

I was mistaken

Looks like I was mistaken about my server being sold. Person seems to have changed there mind. They did not show up yesterday and then gave me a lame excuse why today. Oh well no hard feelings, people do what they do, I just want a little honesty. If you changed your mind at least tell me so I can offer to someone else instead of having me hold for them. My old boss always said " do not sell to friends because they will disappoint everytime". I guess I can say a lesson was learn then. Later ladies and gents

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I will miss my old server

It is a die-hard champ and the person getting it is getting a real workhorse. Just wrote this piece to say good bye old friend, may you be as kind to your new owner as you were to me. :(

Welp it is official I sold it

I have sold my server and will now begin the process of building a new one. I had a AMD64 3000+ CPU with 2GB of DDR PC3200. Going to up to possibly a Intel Core 2 or a AMD64 5000 X2 setup.
Have to decided on a case and other components as well. Want to make it my game server for the upcoming Star Trek Legacy's game that comes out in November. The game looks to be awesome from the few preview videos i have watched. Will run other games as well, like UT2004, Halo CE, and a maybe a little starcraft.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Server Upgrade

Thinking about upgrading my ftp server. It presently consist of a amd 64 3000+, 2Gb ddr, 120Gb main drive, 200Gb and 250gb storage drives. I have a Nvidia 6600 w/256Mb on the card. I also have dvr burn and so on. It is currently running Windows XP Professional with Serv-U as my FTP Program. The pc runs pretty good but I think it is time to upgrade to a dual core so it can double as my game server.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Been awhile again. Sorry will begin to write again soon. In october I will popst once a week.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Been Awhile

Just getting something post because it has been awhile.